The Commons: a sanctuary for the introvert, the socialite, the band geek, the academic, the bake-seller. Its wood is eaten away by moisture and age and use, its ceiling arched in the
On the evening of this year’s second Assembly After Dark session, a group of parents and faculty gathered in the Stu-Fac, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Jeannette Walls, author of The Glass
MoreAs I read Jeannette Walls’ memoir, I felt true agony at the image of the “glass castle,” the magnificent home Walls’s alcoholic father committed to building. When is she going to
MoreFieldston’s squash program has taken huge steps forward this year. After a “trial” first year that resulted in 4 matches played and a small taste of what playing squash was like, newly
MoreTwo non-indictment verdicts — in the cases of Michael Brown and Eric Garner — have sparked protests across the Fieldston campus, where students and teachers are expressing their outrage through various forms