The Boeing Starliner, a once promising spacecraft, departed from the International Space Station (ISS) empty-handed, leaving behind its two astronauts, Sunita “Suni” Williams (58) and Barry “Butch” Wilmore (61), at the ISS
Every day, by 12:30 PM, the hallways surrounding the cafeteria overflow with backpacks. By the time class starts up again, however, the usual shouts of, “Wait, where’s my bag?” “Is this one
MoreOur hosts hand everyone a Cruzcampo – the beer of choice in Sevilla – as we arrive. On the stove is a delicious, home cooked meal of many courses. Of course, the
MoreOne of my most vivid memories from freshman year was my first club fair. Despite signing up for countless clubs, I didn’t truly understand the meaning of being a club leader. I
MoreThe best football rivalry of all-time, between Michigan and Ohio State, continued Saturday, November 30 in Columbus. After an expected victory in 2023, the unranked Michigan Wolverines traveled to Ohio State as
MoreAlex Bello didn’t choose the stage—it found him. He was just a kid bursting with energy. He’d sing and dance through the house until his mother noticed the spark. She decided to