My first glimpse of Antarctica came suddenly, towering high above me, after 900 miles sailing through the Drake Passage — a stormy body of water that separates South America and the Antarctic
MoreOn January 7, 2014, Jerry Musillo, Flik’s Regional Director, issued a statement to the Fieldston faculty and community at large. This message was never forwarded to the students, but the Fieldston News
MoreApps for your iPhone (some designed by Fieldston students), a redesigned school website, new faculty websites, and a recently hired Director of Technology; Fieldston is going head first into the 21st century
MoreOn November 15th, 1990, classes came to a grinding halt at Fieldston, as the entire school took part in what would later become a bi-annual tradition: Awareness Day. The first ever Modified
MoreMy parents decided it was time for a change — for two weeks, anyway. Playing video games, surfing the web most of the night and sitting on my butt were out. I