by Hannah F., 6th grader Biased language can pass people by. They don’t realize the whole story or background. It could be
by Adoniah R., 6th grader Some people use biased language or writing to describe their opinions and express how they feel about
by Zane K., 6th grader “Hmmm, that was interesting.” Is something you might say after reading an article. The writer may have
by Maria G., 6th grader Biased language has the power to change how we look at a group of people or persons,
by Spencer S., 6th grader While you are reading books, magazines and newspaper articles be aware that writers may be using biased
Walking into a theater is like boarding an airplane. You show your ticket, you sit down, and in a few hours, you
Below you can access a full PDF of the December 1st issue of The Fieldston News.
Perhaps the best way to understand Christopher Nolan as an artist is to compare him to another sovereign of a separate craft:
“Have you been traveling recently?” “Yes, I just came back from Africa.” “Where in Africa? What were you doing there?” “I was
It was no surprise that every student interviewed for the video of the November 16 assembly on Conservative Theory self-identified as a