As 2024 begins, seniors rush to finish college applications and crawl to the second semester; juniors complain about burnout, except the lucky ones in City Semester; and the sophomores, well, the sophomores are just trying to survive chemistry. Finally, the freshmen? They don’t even have midterms – they’re doing just fine. Fieldston is in a dark era, where the sun sets before the late bus leaves campus and the coffee line grows by the day. But it’s 2024 and ‘tis the season to reflect.
So what are Fieldston students’ New Year’s resolutions?
The majority of Fieldston students have school-related goals. Natalie Delson (Form VI) plans to reduce her procrastination by “turning her homework in on time and meeting deadlines.” Andrew Choi (Form V) and Jackson Wang (Form V) both agreed that this year’s goal is to “do better in school.” Natalia Posen (Form V) kept it simple: “It’s time to lock in.”
Other students plan to emphasize health and self-care in the new year. “I need to drink more water daily,” said Zoe Williams (Form VI). Fun fact: high school students should drink around 48 ounces of water per day. That’s the same amount in four cans of Celsius. Not that any Fieldston student is drinking Celsius…Dahlia Zemmel (Form V) said her main goal is plainly “to relax more.” When asked how she would go about obtaining her ideal serenity, she said, “I haven’t gotten that far yet.”
Jordan Marshall (Form VI) is Fieldston’s main weightlifting junkie, constantly prepping for baseball season. His 2024 goal is to “bench 200 pounds.” Overhearing his comment, Nathan Rozoff (Form V) deviously added, “Mine is to bench 225.” A friendly rivalry in the weight room can’t hurt anyone, at least until athletic trainer Jeffrey Lee, a weightlifting champ, becomes the competition. Joey Ravikoff (Form VI), Marshall’s teammate on the baseball team, proclaimed that 2024 would be the year of a “Fieldston Baseball NYSAIS Championship.”
Shayna Sacks (Form V) had the best New Year’s resolution of all: “Read ‘The Fieldston News’ more.” It’s a completely unbiased opinion, of course. In the same spirit, Daniel Hur (Form V) said, “In 2024, I’ll finish the ‘Fieldston News’ article I signed up for months ago.” Daniel, if you’re reading this, write your article, please.
Roxy Shapiro (Form VI) voiced the most popular resolution of the senior class: “I just want to get into college.”
Who knows what 2024 will bring? Besides the comeback of beloved “Fieldston News” faculty advisor Mr. Montera (Hi Montera, we love you) and the departure of the class of ‘24 (we will miss you), the rest remains unknown. Time flies, anything can happen in a year and we should all follow in Form V student Ellie Usdin’s footsteps: “Live more in the moment, not always the past or the future.”