Ode to Softball

1 min read

6:30 am and I’m awake

Every morning before a game 

Shirt tucked into my pants

The red belt keeps them up

Slides on over the red socks

Into the car with a pillow to sleep for the hour drive

At the field at 8:00

Warm ups taking 30 minutes

Slides become cleats 

The pillow becomes a helmet 

up at the plate

The bat swings as hard as possible

Every ounce of anger towards anyone is taken out on the ball

That neon yellow ball goes flying

A girl with legs pumping 

Adrenaline rushing through her veins

A call from a man who I hardly know

“she’s safe” he yelled 

my team cheers

cheers of success

Drama and failure from off the field gone 

None of that matters in these three hours

The most peace I feel all day

Surrounded by noises and screaming

We are taught to win and lose with grace

To love and respect the community around us

the one place I feel at home

is home plate

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