Middle Schoolers Journey to “Selma”

3 mins read

imgresby Lauren P., 6th grader

This week’s middle school trip to see the movie “Selma” was an amazing experience. From the concessions to the movie, it was all around great. The bus ride there was relatively smooth and easy. The excitement and anticipation was clear to see.

Walking in to the theater, or the lobby of the theater, I guess, took my breath away because it wasn’t the kind of movie theater I was used to. I sort of stood there for a second and then recovered myself as everyone made a beeline for the concession stand. It was as clear to me as it was to the adults who were there that we were not going to be on time for the movie if everyone stood in line at once. So the adults decided that half of us should go into the theater and grab seats and half of us could get snacks; then we could switch.

A little while later we were all seated and munching away on candy and popcorn when the previews stopped and the movie began. The movie was rated PG 13 and Ms. Merriweather had already warned us that there was going to be some violence throughout the movie. We were all prepared for when it started. Now, I don’t want to give the movie away, but it started with four little girls in a church. I was captivated as the movie went through with Martin Luther King Jr. leading the civil rights movement.

The plea for equality and the injustice of our nation then was overwhelming and enlightening at the same time. This movie captured the power of Martin Luther King Jr., and the courage and perseverance shown by black people. At times I was indignant at the action of the white officials, and at other times, I was grabbing on to my friends in fear. At the end, everyone clapped. The movie was very powerful and meaningful, so if you get the chance to see it, I definitely recommend it.

I think that it was a very good experience for everyone. Putting all the grades together was smart, because then we all sort of came together as a middle school to watch a spectacular film, and it was bonding in a way. I think we should have more chances like this, going to see movies, or plays maybe, to strengthen our knowledge and possibly our ethical development.

I loved this movie because it was captivating and interesting. I am also in favor of the talks/forums after it, so that we can all get together again to discuss different opinions and perspectives. Many thanks to Ms. Merriweather and Mr. Ford for organizing the trip. This was a great way to bond and learn together as Fieldston Middle School.

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