Bluth to Step Down

3 mins read
Steve Bluth at a boys basketball game against Poly Prep, this January
Steve Bluth at a boys basketball game against Poly Prep, this January

The gym: a favorite place for some, dreaded by others, is a part of the school many students have seen. However, there is one thing that most students and teachers can agree on, and that is that the gym never changes. The hard-working energy of the athletes is always in the air, and the sound of shoes scuffing the varsity gym floor can always be heard. This is all thanks to Steve Bluth, the athletics director here at Fieldston. Mr. Bluth, or, as many students call him, “Bluth,” is a vital part of the Fieldston community, and will unfortunately be stepping down at the end of the school year.

Bluth took the position as head of athletics over 16 years ago. He played division one baseball in college, and served as head coach for Fieldston’s boys varsity basketball team. Under his leadership and skill, he has led many of the Fieldston teams to victories and undefeated seasons. He has also served as a student advisor for a number of years, with a current sophomore advisory.

It is clear that life at Fieldston won’t be the same without him next year, and when I stopped a few people in the hallway to ask them how they felt about Bluth leaving, these were some of the responses that I got:

“Bluth and I have become very close over the past two years,” Carmen Cee (IV), a current Bluth advisee tells me. “I don’t think my transition into the high school would have been the same if he wasn’t my advisor. He has changed the way I look at things and really made me mature. It won’t be the same without him, and I just wish he could stay and see me grow as a person”

“I’m going to be really sad, because Bluth was the first person I met on campus,” Vincent Drybala laments to me. “He’s been the guy who I’ve always known the longest – he was actually the person who hired me. I just wish him the best, he’s a good friend of mine.”

“Bluth has been an amazing athletic director,” another student tell me. “I will miss his cheering at the games, and his helpful and supportive attitude towards every team.”

It is clear that Bluth will be missed next year-he has made such a big impact on the athletics department, and will leave big shoes to fill. He has a lot to be proud of, and although everyone will miss Bluth next year, his impact and legacy on the school are sure to remain.

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