8th Grade Science Reports

4 mins read

Points-of-View of the Bridge Project
by Rachel H. and Jane L.

bridgeGoing into the Bridge project students and teachers had different intentions and expectations of what we would learn from it. We decided to interview 8th grader Lily G. to find out what she thought of the project.

Q: What did you learn about during the bridge project?
A: I learned how to construct a semi-strong bridge and I also learned about the different types of bridges. Also, I learned what the uses of them are. I learned about strength to weight ratios and scatter plots as well. I also learned that it is important to read the directions properly in order to do well.

Q: Did you enjoy it?
A: Yes, I thought that it gave us a new perspective on what we can do. It gave us a new look on bridges and how they are really build, including the creation of the design based on the designated purpose.

Q: What materials did you use for the project?
A: In my bridge we used a plank of wood, toothpicks, popsicle sticks, and hot glue.

Q: What do you think was a good strategy?
A: Reading the directions was very important and rationing materials, meaning to use just enough of the material so that the bridge is as light as possible since the bridge had to be 100 grams or less.

Q: How much did your bridge hold?
A: 30 pounds, because our loading dock didn’t fit correctly.

We found that we had similar responses to Lily’s along with many other students. This project overall was fun and we learned a lot.

We decided to include the teacher’s point of view, too, so we interviewed Ms. Behrens.

Q: What did you think students would get out of the bridge project?
A: The bridge project is one of my favorite projects because it gives students a chance to design a plan, create a bridge from their design, and apply the physics they have learned to put their bridge to the test. I think students learn how to work in groups, use power tools, and create a bridge that uses the physics they have learned.

Q: Do you think students enjoyed the project?
A: I do think students enjoyed the bridge project. I think that students are excited whenever they have a chance to build or create something.

Q: Did the bridges hold the amount of weight that you expected?
A: The bridges way exceeded my expectation in creativity. The bridges were incredibly creative. Each one was so different and students worked incredibly hard. I loved all of the bridges!

Q: Is there anything you would change about the project?
A: That is a great question. I think that I would ask students if they think that anything should change about the project and then make changes based on the responses.

Q: Did anybody use materials that surprised you?
A: I think the material that surprised me the most was the bubble wrap! What a unique material.

Both Lily and Ms. Behrens made many interesting points on the bridge project. We hope that future students will enjoy the project as much as we did.

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