Fieldston’s First TEDxECFS Event – The Fieldston News

Fieldston’s First TEDxECFS Event

3 mins read
Source: TEDxECFS

The first-ever Fieldston TEDx event will take place on February 27 in the Student Commons from 6-8:00 PM. Before the event, there will be a cocktail hour with food, drinks and dessert.

The event will feature a theme of metamorphosis and personal growth. “Speakers can choose to write about anything relevant to them and feel like they have a personal connection to whatever they’re writing about,” said Rachel Shames (Form VI), a leader of the TEDx programming.

Beginning with an opening alumni speaker, alum Elbert Garcia ‘93, the event will feature one faculty member, Science Teacher Palma Repole, and five student speakers: Zauditu Saunders (Form V), Nathan Rozoff (Form VI), Alexa Friedman (Form V), Lily Saal (Form VI) and Javin Gasca (Form III).

The event’s keynote speaker, Garcia, a writer, teacher, activist,  multimedia producer and communications strategist, will discuss how being a father to his daughter has – and continues to – help him go beyond being a vocal ally for justice. While Garcia was at Fieldston he was, according to his coach Bob Montera, “a fortress of strength on the Cross Country team, a really solid distance runner, a staff writer and editor for The Fieldston News and a founding member of The Kaleidoscope, the multicultural/students of color publication that ran for several years under faculty advisor Alejandro Nivon.”

Some student speakers will talk about Fieldston-related topics. Saunders will speak about Fieldston’s Special Olympics Club and her growth within the club. Rozoff, driven by Howie Waldman, the Science Research Teacher, will explain his experience in the program – specifically his work in a research lab in NYC.

Friedman, also a member of Science Research, plans to discuss her research about a genetic connective tissue disorder called hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS), which her mom has and that she may have. “Learning about such an underrepresented and under-researched condition changed my view on medicine,” she said. “It was a privilege to make a change through research.”

Others will take a more personal route. Gasca will describe a harrowing experience and the effects of his own metamorphosis, and Saal will delve into her injury recovery, specifically targeting mental health in athletes. “I know everyone says this,” she said. “But I feel like a different person after my injury, emotionally and physically. I’m excited to have the chance to speak about my experience, starting by thanking the dozens of people I couldn’t have survived it without.

To hear these speakers on February 27, RSVP with this link: RSVP LINK

For more information, visit the official TEDxECFS Website: TEDxECFS Website LINK

Or follow @TEDxECFs on Instagram

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