Nailing New Year’s: Five Tips on Making (and Sticking) to New Year’s Resolutions – The Fieldston News

Nailing New Year’s: Five Tips on Making (and Sticking) to New Year’s Resolutions

3 mins read
All images via Ellie Usdin

Happy 2025! 

It’s time to create some (in)famous New Year’s Resolutions. Here are some tips on how to create (and stick to) your 2025 resolutions.

1.Reflect on the past year

Before you officially make resolutions, I find it helpful to look back at 2024. Was there anything that you wanted to do but didn’t? Use this as motivation and start writing down new ideas that you want to try. I love getting in the mood by creating a Pinterest board of pictures to use as inspiration for what I want to do that year!

2. Make your goals achievable 

You, like many others, may set broad goals but then find them unfilled when the end of the year rolls around. This doesn’t have to be the case. Choose to set attainable goals for yourself by being realistic and thinking about what you can achieve. Start small: If you’ve never run before, don’t say you want to run a marathon by May. Small goals build momentum, which boosts your confidence and productivity. Set checkpoints for yourself throughout the year that you know you can achieve.

Example: Read 10 books this year.

  • Steps to achieve: read 10 pages 5x a week

3. Make your goals either very specific or very vague

Write your resolutions in terms that work best for you. Some people may find that they work better when their goals are vague and can take many forms, such as “make more time to spend with friends,” while others may need number-oriented goals like “find three new hobbies.” Both are great ways to create goals that you can stick to.

Example: Find new recipes to cook (broad) OR Make two new recipes a month (specific)

4. Find ways to be held accountable 

Talk to friends or family about your goals and set some together! This is a great way to ensure that your goals are actionable; the more supported you feel, the more productive you’ll be. Set up a system with your friends to share your progress and accomplishments, regardless of size.

Example: Learn how to play soccer so that you can make the soccer team next year (Coach Wynton will be proud)

  • Steps to achieve: play with your friends in the park every Sunday

5. Remember that January 1 is just a date 

Although it’s very tempting, don’t get caught up in the idea that you need to completely transform your life the second that the clock strikes midnight. Yes, it’s the start of a new year, but you can always make your own goals any day. You don’t need to get caught up in the “new year, new me” mentality if it’s not productive for you.

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