“Moana 2,” directed by Jason Hand, Dana Ledoux Miller and David Derrick Jr., is a must watch. Moana, played by Auliʻi Cravalho, faces numerous challenges, meets new people and changes her perspective
MoreFor those juggling quizzes and projects, college decisions, finals preparation and packing, December bliss can feel a little out of reach in the week before Winter Break. That, in addition to the
More by Sophia Ahmed
Tom “TC” Christensen, jazz teacher and Music Department chair, has been teaching at Fieldston for 33 years . He follows in the footsteps of Randy Wanless, a former Fieldston jazz teacher who
More“It’s been a long time coming…” Taylor Swift opens the Eras Tour with her backup dancers pulling sweeping, beautiful sunset-colored feathers from her as she sings, “Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince.”