
Fit or Flop: A Review of the 2024 Summer Fashion Trends

8 mins read
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Trying to refresh your summer wardrobe? Confused by numerous Tiktoks about how to dress like an “It Girl”?  Wondering what trends will be all the rage this summer? Well, you’ve come to the right place. 

Welcome to Fit or Flop (the Summer 2024 edition). As I did in the spring, I will discuss the 10 most important trends and rate them fit or flop. This time we will focus on casual street styles rather than runway outfits. Hopefully, you will find inspiration, and unlock your inner fashionista! Now without further ado, let’s dive in!

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Fit: Corset Dresses

One of the most important summer staples is the peasant dress. This year’s iteration of the peasant dress is the corset dress, a midi dress, with a bustier style top. I’ve always been fond of this dress, and this year is no different. Perfect for prancing through European cities imagining yourself as a medieval princess, or just walking down the street, corset dresses are not only comfy but chic.

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Flop: Drop Waist Dresses

One of the Spring 2024 fashion trends was the modern flapper, which the drop waist dress echoed. My main complaint with the modern flapper was that it needed more definition. Drop waist dresses have more shape, but it is more attractive when the volume starts from the waist rather than the hip. While the look has improved from its modern flapper origins, drop waist dresses are still a flop.

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Fit: Canary Yellow

After many long months of dreary winter fashion, filled with muted hues of navy and black, the cheerfulness of canary yellow is a treat for the eyes. Reminiscent of the sun’s warming rays, everything about the shade screams summertime. I hope to see many people expressing their joy for the season in this cheerful color, which is a definite fit.

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Flip: Maxi Skirts

Yes, dear reader, this is uncharted territory, but I have no strong feelings either way. My view of maxi skirts flips from fit to flop depending on the styling of the garment. When styled right, perhaps with a corset top or peasant blouse, maxi skirts can be absolutely stunning; on the other hand, if one just throws a random shirt on with the skirt, then the outfit lacks a certain cohesion. Thus, maxi skirts are the flip of the season, depending on your accompanying style choices.

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Fit: Linen Shorts 

As a jean-short girl I was quite disheartened to hear that jean shorts were out this summer; yet as I did more digging, I concluded that linen shorts are just as nice. Linen is far more breathable than denim, a massive plus for stifling summer weather, and well suited to a broader array of patterns and prints, a nice way to add a pop of color to your wardrobe. Although linen shorts are this summer’s trend and a definite fit, I  don’t expect jean shorts to die out. Rather, I forecast a summer filled with a mix of the two.   

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Fit: Linen Button-up Tops

Linen is in and I’m loving it!  Button-up tops provide so many styling opportunities since they can layered over a tank top, tube top, or dress, adding a dash of color to one’s outfit. They are also very functional because they add an extra layer when you walk into a place where the AC is blasting. Practical and pretty, linen button-up shirts deserve a fit. 

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Fit: Sandals

Anyone who has ever worn stilettos knows just how uncomfortable they are. That’s why feet across the world are letting out a collective sigh of relief now that sandals are back this summer. Sandals contain little to no heel, making them easier to walk in, and exponentially lowering the risk of twisting an ankle. Sandals are also far more practical as they don’t sink into the dirt in the same way a stiletto does. I declare sandals a comfortable fit!

Source: Google Images

Fit: White Sneakers

Similarly to sandals, white sneakers are another footwear must-have. White sneakers provide comfort and ease when walking or running.  Another pro associated with white sneakers is their ability to coordinate with any outfit. For their practicality, I am ranking them as a fit.

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Flop: Backless Tops

Backless outfits can be beautiful and elegant, but unfortunately aren’t that practical for day-to-day living. They don’t allow one to wear a bra and provide no protection from the sun. I have nothing against a backless gown or a halter top for a concert, in fact, I think that those are all fits. Backless outfits are perfect to make a statement at the right time in the right place, but that statement does not need to be made in a grocery store, or a Barnes and Noble you happen to walk into. Since this review is focused on day-to-day outfits, I am putting backless tops as a flop.

Source: Google Images

Fit: Sets

Matching two-piece sets will be all the rage this summer. I love a matching set because it makes it easier to style an outfit. You don’t have to search your wardrobe to find two coordinating pieces that will go well together, just to leave your house and realize that they don’t match at all. Sets give the illusion of time spent meticulously planning an outfit, without all the stress and hassle. For these reasons, sets are a fit!

So, here we are, at the end of our review! I hope you are excited about this summer’s trends, and that you feel inspired to create exciting outfits. Happy summer, fashionistas, and see you next fall!

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