Remy and Sophie’s FSG Farewell – The Fieldston News

Remy and Sophie’s FSG Farewell

3 mins read

Hey all! As we wrap up this eventful year, we are so excited to welcome some new FSG blood but the feeling is also bittersweet. This has been an experience like no other and we are so grateful to have served such an energetic and passionate student body. We loved our roles as FSG and looked forward to creating new initiatives at every opportunity. 

Over this year, we have worked tirelessly to correspond to the needs of both admin and students. Though most of our work is behind the scenes (code for lunch, second floor of the cafeteria), we managed to make substantial progress, leaving what hopefully will be a memorable legacy behind. One of our highlights is creating a space for affinity group leaders to talk about the conflict within the Middle East. Specifically, so that students aren’t underestimated in having these difficult conversations, and can openly express their feelings on the matter in a space that feels safe and comfortable. We have also created a loophole within the parking system and managed to get a student parking lottery going for students. Finally, we presented to Department Heads about ways to have preference within course selection that don’t complicate the scheduling system. These are just three initiatives accomplished, but some of our proudest moments this year! If you would like to see more of what we have accomplished you can visit our website…  (Link on Fieldston News Website) We have also enjoyed our time communicating with The Board of Trustees and having the privilege to be part of the NYSAIS Steering Committee, ECFS Hiring Committee, Prom Committee and Fun Times Planning Crew. You can read about cabinet and other highlights in our FSG section of the Fieldston News!

Our biggest piece of advice for our incoming presidents is to get us a great gift for Founder’s Day. Remy likes flat-screen TVs and Sophie also likes flat-screen TVs. In all seriousness, we advise you to bring a balanced level of fun and brightness to the table! Things are harder said than done, and apparently, the administration hates last-minute planning. 

Everyone running can uplift ECFS’s spirit in newfound and powerful ways and we are so excited to see what the next FSG Co-presidents have in store. Just make sure you don’t one-up us (just kidding, that is one initiative you will never accomplish)! 

Thank you to everyone for the support, excitement and encouragement this year – we truly love ECFS and the opportunity of being FSG Co-Presidents. 

We can’t wait!!! Good luck to all!

Yours truly,

Prez plural

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