
Gideon and Sammy For FSG!

3 mins read


Fieldston Students are being given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to elect twins to the presidency. But why does this matter?

Whether or not our similarities are biological, we, Sammy and Gideon Bialkin, have created a deep connection with each other, such that, even when we do not totally agree with each other, our lifelong relationship enables us to be able to listen to each other’s perspective and almost always find a compromise solution. It is this type of connection that we aspire to model and integrate into the Fieldston Community. 

We believe that meaningful connections can occur at many different levels,  whether that’s the relationship between one student and another, student and teacher, even teacher and parent. That is why one of our first initiatives would involve improving the communication and connection between teachers and their student advisors. This will also allow students and parents to gain a better understanding of teachers’ expectations and their fulfillment of these expectations. 

Equally important is the connection that students have with themselves. Therefore our second initiative is to implement a weekly optional meditation session prior to the school day which will give students the opportunity to begin their day in a self-reflective, calming and fulfilling manner.  

Additionally, an integral part of connecting is being on the same page as your peers. That is why we hope to implement a bell system that would indicate the commencement and ending of classes.  

Our next initiative involves transparency, which we believe is the very cornerstone of connection. We think that students’ grades in their respective classes should always be visible and updated in order to further the relationship between the student and the teacher.

Better functioning clubs is yet another way to improve relationships and create bonds between students. If elected we promise to implement a system that improves the integrity and meaningfulness of Fieldston’s many clubs.

Lastly, nothing builds connection better than sharing food, preferably good food. In this spirit we would like to introduce an improved snack system that would help increase collegiality among members of the community.

We believe that these initiatives would go a long way towards increasing and improving the sense of connection that already exists at Fieldston. What we hope to implement as your next co- presidents is in the spirit of making our educational home a more connected community.

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