
Chloe and Ishaan For FSG!

3 mins read

WHAT’S UP FIELDSTON⁉️ Ishaan and I(Chloe) are so excited to be running for your FSG presidents! Our main initiatives for the Fieldston community are to…

1)BLEED ORANGE!!: We know that you all enjoy Pep-Rally and bashing Riverdale pinatas on the quad before our very successful hockey games. We plan to keep the Fieldston spirit by having more fun events such as Slip N Slides on Fieldston grass, more grade-oriented trips such as day trips to Coney Island(not camp mariah), organized picnics in Central Park, school organized mixers, seasonal pep-rallies(all sports deserve love the springs sports get), and whatever else we can make happen! We hope to create an atmosphere that bleeds orange. 

2)PROVIDE SUPPORT + TRANSPARENCY: As your FSG presidents we vow to be committed to the needs of the students. As representatives of the student community it is crucial for us to know your concerns/feedback. We will host monthly lunches where all students are welcome to drop by whether they have something they would like to share, or if they prefer to sit back and listen. During these lunches we will provide updates on what we have been working on and we will review the form of student requests. We also wish to hold alumni networking events and internship opportunities. We aim to create a balanced environment where students initiate evoking conversations while feeling a sense of security

3) BOOST MENTAL PRODUCTIVITY: We know that school can be a handful at times and this is why we would like to implement one day dedicated to wellness before midterms and finals to catch up on the many hours of sleep you’ve lost. 

4)ADVOCATE ACADEMICALLY: As students ourselves, we know how frustrating it can be when different teachers hold you to different standards. Our goal is to ensure all students are being evaluated on similar levels of fairness and that no student is at a disadvantage due to being placed in a different class from their peers. We are working to have visible grades year round. 

5)ELEVATE EQUITY: As Students of Color ourselves, we vow to make Fieldston an inclusive space for all members by working with administration to voice student concerns and also by continuing what Sophie and Remy have done with United Affinity Group Meetings

We hope you will choose whoever you think is best equipped to represent you!! We are determined to prosper a strong and lively community of Fieldston students.🧡💙🦅

-Chloe Nam & Ishaan Akileswar

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