Get in Loser: Student Parking at Fieldston – The Fieldston News

Get in Loser: Student Parking at Fieldston

2 mins read

Out for 2024: empty promises. 

In for 2024: senior parking.

Co-President Remy Lipman (Form V) and I have been trying to fulfill our initiative with parking since our election. We attempted to get a student discount at the local garage, but barely anyone signed up. However, we managed to persevere!

The two of us, alongside our Chief of Staff, Addy Gorton (Form V), met with head of security David Argencio in late November. He pointed out that every year the presidents  present the same initiatives, so we knew we had to negotiate outside the box. Together, we discussed a student raffle where once every two weeks a senior student can park in the lot. We can now proudly say that our government was the first to change Argencio’s mind about students parking in the faculty lot. After getting this proposal approved by Dean Harris, Dr. Bobo, Dr. Banks and Ms. Matolla, our idea shifted from park mode (get it).

Everything went smoothly except for one aspect: when doing the raffle, Addy was chosen! What are the chances…? Anyway, under my oath that it wasn’t rigged – since Addy drives me, we got to test drive (get it) this initiative. And it was awesome.

The valets parked the car every morning for Addy, all she needed was a student pass (which Lipman and I provided). Argencio and his team were incredibly kind, helpful and willing to work with us. A big thanks to him and his whole team. 

And juniors: when the seniors graduate, it will be your turn! So don’t fear, you will have this opportunity sometime too! Sophomores and freshmen, work on obtaining that permit.

This week, Secretary of Fun Times Joss Horn (Form V) and Amiri Moreno (Form V) spun the raffle wheel and Lucy Goldsmith (Form V)! We can’t wait and are excited we’re on the road (get it) to an action-filled 2024 term!

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