
A First Quarter Progress Report with FSG President Remy Lipman

4 mins read
Source: ECFS Instagram

Famous for their hilarious speeches and must-read emails, the Fieldston Student Government presidents juggle school, college applications and extracurriculars, as well as one of the biggest positions within the student body. Elected in late spring last year, Sophie Basner (Form VI) and Remy Lipman (Form VI) have been the co-presidents for more than two months. As presidents, Lipman and Basner are responsible for speaking at events, working on their initiatives, fielding thousands of emails, overseeing the cabinet and more. I sat down (virtually) with Lipman to discuss the FSG, how he balances everything and the Co-Prez Plural’s progress on their promised initiatives. 

With a bright smile and warm attitude, Lipman radiates positivity. When asked about his favorite part of the job, he quipped, “The popularity and fame!” In all seriousness, he cherishes being a part of so many things through this newfound connection to the community. New in 9th grade, he went from not knowing anyone to being known by all. One of the most inspiring aspects of Fieldston is the inclusivity of the community, where someone can go from being a new freshman to one of the seniors with the most influence. Lipman credits Basner for deciding to run and asking him to join her and he enjoys working and getting to know her. 

Not only does Lipman have FSG responsibilities, but he also has to stay on top of his work and apply to college. He agreed to sit for an interview the night before Early Decision applications were due, a testament to his devotion to the student body. The presidents have a colossal workload, so dividing and conquering is paramount. According to Lipman, he and Basner split up their tasks and then collaborate to write speeches and make decisions. In addition to working together, the co-presidents juggle an expansive cabinet. Lipman credits Addy Gorton (Form VI), the chief of staff, for coordinating everyone and their roles to help organize the FSG. While good intentions are important, having the ability to organize, plan and work as a team is equally essential. The President and Cabinet dedicate themselves to representing and improving Fieldston through their efforts and teamwork, resulting in a number of successes.

In their campaign email from last April, Sophie and Remy laid out an abundance of initiatives and a Joy Bundle Palooza, both fun and serious ways to improve student quality of life. Since then, they have been meeting with the administration, the assistant principals and others to create ways to make these initiatives happen. Here is a list of their ideas, and the progress they have made:

Right now, the presidents are focusing on student parking and the school store. In addition, the FSG, especially Secretary of Math, Daniela Bogen (Form VI), was heavily involved in the recent opening of the Math Center. Looking towards the future, Lipman is excited to continue finding new ways to support the student body. Fieldston is lucky to have such competent student leaders; with their humor, strong management and warmth, the co-presidents are exactly what the school needs.

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