Lloyd’s Carrot Cake: A Fieldston Favorite – The Fieldston News

Lloyd’s Carrot Cake: A Fieldston Favorite

5 mins read

At the bottom of the hill, adjacent to Van Cortlandt Park, sits Lloyd’s Carrot Cake, a quaint bakery, adored by Riverdale residents and Fieldston students alike. Student athletes who have competed or practiced at Van Cortlandt know all too well the stretch of shops across the street from the park — Lloyd’s is one of them. The bakery occupies two storefronts: on one side is the kitchen, whose rustic ambience makes the store’s long history unmistakeable. The kitchen sounds of bakers chatting and pans clattering echo across the street. Next to the kitchen is the store itself, where sales occur and customers flood in and out by the minute. Its bright orange walls are lined with numerous newspaper features and awards, as well as countless family photos that give incoming customers the impression that they have just stepped into their very own kitchen.

The shop was opened in 1986 by Lloyd Adams, whose delightful carrot cake recipe was a family heirloom, passed down from his grandmother to his mother and then to him. Although its menu has grown over the years, now containing birthday cakes and cupcakes, Lloyd’s original carrot cake recipe remains the store’s main attraction. “You have to get them to taste it,” said Lloyd of his family’s recipe. “Once they taste it, we’re in.” A photo of Lloyd Adams overlooks the store, his beaming smile exuding pride as he watches customer after customer marvel at his family’s recipe.

Lloyd ran the shop alongside his wife, Betty, until his passing in 2007, after which Betty continued to grow the shop’s fame alone. After Betty’s tragic death in 2020, the couple’s loving children, Lilka and Brandon, took over the business, producing thousands of cakes per week and further strengthening their parents’ legacy. Nearly forty years since its inception, Lloyd’s Carrot Cake remains a neighborhood favorite.

Lloyd Adams and Betty Campbell-Adams (Via: lloydscarrotcake.com)

The quaint storefront sits only five minutes from Fieldston and is uniquely meaningful to Fieldston students. “You can tell that a lot of care has been put into each cake,” noted Alex Bromfield (Form IV). “Every bite tastes like it came out of your own oven.” Bromfield recounted tales of his parents going to Van Cortlandt Park to watch his soccer games back in lower and middle school, and how they would always stop by Lloyd’s and grab him a treat after his matches. “I always associate Lloyd’s with soccer, so obviously I associate it with Fieldston as well,” he added. “I’ve grown up on Lloyd’s Carrot Cake!”

Bromfield emphasized the importance of supporting small businesses, especially in the Riverdale area. “Family-run, right next door to Fieldston, located in the heart of the town … Lloyd’s is special,” he said. “It gives a personality to Riverdale, something that’s missing in so many big cities nowadays. It reminds us of the importance of supporting smaller, locally-run businesses rather than commercial chains.”

Many other students have expressed similar praise, including Sarah Abenante (Form VI). “I’m so glad [Lloyd’s] is close to Fieldston. It’s a staple of our community the same way River-Deli and Sal’s are,” she remarked, referring to Fieldston’s favorite deli and pizza restaurant, respectively. “Lloyd’s is always a great postgame treat and the softball team has it often.” Abenante, like Bromfield, has a personal connection to Lloyds. “It’s been a tradition in my family to have a Lloyd’s cake for every birthday. At this point, it feels like we’re part of the Lloyd’s family.” A sense of family is exactly what Lloyd’s has to offer. Every customer is a new member that is welcomed with open arms and a slice of cake at the ready.

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