
Sophie Basner and Remy Lipman for FSG!

6 mins read

To quote the great Miss Minaj, “I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive.” We are Sophie Basner (She/Her) and Remy Lipman (He/Him) and we want to win, fight, conquer, and thrive as your FSG Co-presidents!

We have been friends forever, dating back all the way to our junior year of high school when both of us needed a partner for FSG– just kidding, we work together a lot. You might have caught us in the hallways hanging up CSAB posters, in the 500’s tackling impossibility theorems in our math group projects, or even in the City Sem room learning about sustainability and long story short, ultimately changing the world. On a more serious note, we are compatible partners with a history of working well together, and as co-presidents, we will create outlets for you to better get to know us and our platform. These outlets include monthly newsletters that will document our progress on different initiatives, along with an anonymous survey where students can ask questions and share their opinions on our plans. We will additionally have a YouCanBookMe where anyone is more than welcome (rather encouraged) to meet with us. This will all be visible on our website which is the process of being created (win,fight,conquer,thrive.com which is a working title).

Now in terms of our initiatives for improving the school, we approached this topic from a student perspective because, well, we happen to bleed orange just like you. We discussed aspects of the school that we want to see improved and then determined if they could be realistically upgraded. We also talked to other students about changes they would like to see within our community (in other words, we speak to the people). Here are some of the following initiatives we would like to focus on during our presidency. (We know there are a lot but we want to see what everyone is interested in improving on our campus.)

Sophie and Remy’s Initiatives 

  • Student parking on campus (we have been in touch with security and the request was a no, but we are trying to devise a plan for a middle ground)
  • Conversations about ranking course selection 
    • So switching classes will be less frequent 
  • Taking final exams before winter break as opposed to right after
    • Some work has already been done on this
    • However, just to confirm that this is something everyone wants we will send out a poll
  • Highlighting and supporting Students of Color Matter by installing in our cabinet a SoCM representative
    • Already in contact with SoCM student leaders
  • Planting more flowers and plants on the quad/senior grass 
  • A visual arts assembly where art students can display their work

Did you think that’s all we had up our sleeves; well, guess what! Our sleeves are pretty long…and they have room for some less serious initiatives that are a bundle of joy.

Joy Bundle Palooza Package – with a side of Sophie and Remy as presidents

  • Instating Friday night football games (we are currently in contact with Gus about this possibility)
  • Once a month DJ on the quad with occasional special appearances by Sr. Randolph
    • not confirmed yet, but with our charms, we hope to seal the deal
  • Conversations about creating more school merch and accessing it via our website or the school’s
    • With an additional student art contest for merch design 
  • New kid pen pal program
    • we will be in contact with each new freshman 
  • Conversations about grade field day/color war
    • We all know there lies a rivalry between Ethical Vs. Fieldston Lower kids

In conclusion, we’re not like other candidates…we’re different. Pick us, choose us, love us. But being serious, we want this for ultimately more than the title but for the opportunity to further connect with all of YOU! Being FSG Co-presidents is a job we feel we would really enjoy and devote a great deal of time to. We have been thinking about our run for over a year now, and every time we do, we just keep telling each other how much fun yet meaningful these positions would be for us. As a new kid in freshman year and an OG Ethical gal, we have so much love for this school and its community. We hope through our presidency you will be able to share that love and passion with us.

Win, conquer, fight, and thrive with us by VOTING SOPHIE AND REMY FOR FSG!

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