
Lili Hacking and Joey Ravikoff for FSG!

5 mins read

Hey Fieldston! We’re Joey Ravikoff (he/him) and Lili Hacking (she/her) and we are so excited to be running to be your next FSG Co-Presidents! 

We’re not here to make any empty promises that we can’t keep. As much as we would like to, we can’t cancel finals, get more days off from school, or promise soccer referees will make good calls… But what we CAN promise you is that we will listen to you and will give you multiple opportunities to tell us what YOU want and what would make Fieldston more enjoyable for YOU. This, combined with an emphasis on bridging the gap between the faculty and the student body, are the core tenets of our campaign.

As such, one of our biggest initiatives is creating a new cabinet position dedicated to community service. The community service requirement at Fieldston is complicated and difficult to understand, not to mention the fact that it varies between grades. We believe that creating a position dedicated to improving communication between the student body and the community service office will help ease concerns about the requirement and make completing it less stressful for everyone. The responsibility of this position will be to fully understand the requirement for each grade and will serve as a connector from the community service office to the student body. 

On top of that, in an attempt to bridge the gap between faculty and students, we want to keep you updated on what’s actually going on behind the scenes and what the FSG Co-presidents actually do on a weekly basis. To keep you up to speed on everything Fieldston, we plan on sending out regular newsletters with “News and Notes” from us! There are a ton of school-wide events, opportunities, and accomplishments that go unnoticed and we want to change that. These newsletters will include a range of topics such as reminders about upcoming games, performances, showcases, and assemblies. Along with highlighting various new clubs that are meeting, student-led events that will be taking place, or showing student work that may otherwise not receive the attention it deserves. In doing this, we will keep you better up to date with what’s going on both in academic and social life at Fieldston while highlighting all the awesome stuff you guys do.

Now to the important stuff… food. We know how much you enjoy trying to sneak into the cafeteria to grab a sandwich the period before your lunch and how much you love trekking all the way to the PE building just to realize the vending machines don’t work. We plan on working with AVI to change both of those issues by providing better and more comprehensive snack options throughout the day. Whether that’s more snacks outside the commons, or sandwiches put out periodically, we’ll take care of it. 

On top of more food, we want to bring back the traditional Fieldston school spirit we lost during COVID. While we can’t promise you the Poly hockey game or Friday night lights games, we can promise to listen to what you guys want and do everything in our power to make those things happen. Winter and spring pep rallies? More themed Friday night varsity games? Academic competitions? We’re here for all of it. Let us make your aspirations a reality. 

Lastly, we know that Fieldston doesn’t always live up to its reputation of being a place that harbors ideological diversity. That’s why we’re making it an emphasis of our campaign to ensure that everyone’s voices are heard. Difficult conversations need to be had, and we’re here to have them with both you and the administration. We believe in the potential of Fieldston, and want to help make it a more inclusive environment for everyone. We’re always here to talk to anyone about anything, and we’re making it a point to show that we’ll always be there to listen. We want to be your voice! Let us help you make Fieldston the place you want it to be. 

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