
ILMUNC 39: Diplomacy Begins Here

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Back Row from Left to Right: Zachary Lodish (III), Federico Podda-Heubach (III), Cole Kabaker (III), Noah Levine (III), Lyla Santemma (III), Charlotte Nosenchuck (III), Sophia Thompson (III), Gabrielle Santemma (III), Saskia Sommer (III), Dahlia Zemmel (IV), Hazel Baldwin (IV) Front Row from Left to Right: Ian Cheung (III), Alex Brooks (VI), Aiden Eisenberg (III), Nathan Rozoff (IV), Aditi Padwahardan (VI), Ella Odinec (III) Not Pictured: Lilah Glassman (III), Madeline Martinez (III), Faculty Advisors Kenny Graves and Nellie Locher

When one thinks of diplomats coming together to solve some of the great predicaments of our time, it is likely they envision middle-aged politicians, delegates and generally society’s most preeminent “establishment” thinkers tirelessly sculpting lengthy resolutions. It is less likely they think of high school students bestowed with the task of ending global warming, yet Model UN provides just that challenge and experience. From January 26th-29th, a group of Fieldston’s Model UN scholars (alongside 3,000 others from around the world) took on said challenge with zest and gusto: venturing to Philadelphia for the 39th Ivy League Model United Nations Conference (ILMUNC). Friendships were created as international alliances were broken and through late hours, resolution writing, diplomacy, wit and undeniable spoken word lyricism- Fieldston left an indelible mark on ILMUNC 39. 

So, what is Model UN? Some call it the act of embracing one’s inner theater kid in an academic manner, yet the United Nations Association defines it as a “simulation of the UN General Assembly and its other multilateral bodies where students perform an ambassador role while debating topics such as gender equality, climate action, global health, and more.” As ILMUNC delegates dressed head to toe in our finest Western business attire, we were given the opportunity to act out the role of representatives in committees ranging from the United Nations Environmental Programme to the Oscars Board of Governors. The committee sessions (allotted scheduling to debate and solve issues) were at all times unpredictable and rewarding, with one session adjourning at the ripe hour of 11:45pm. Amid these demanding hours, Fieldston delegates achieved sponsorship status on resolutions, indicating the delegations made significant contributions to proposed solutions and to their respective blocs. Blocs can be thought of as groups that come together seeing as they strive for similar solutions. In committees of close to 200 different delegations, it’s safe to say Fieldston dominated by taking control in advocating issues like climate change, the rights of prisoners, bridging the global digital divide and much more.  

From a student perspective, ILMUNC exceeded expectations. When people think of Model UN, the common perception is endless hours of mundane debate. While sometimes this can admittedly be the reality, as delegates we become so devoted it feels as if one could pick us all up and place us in the real UN, and we might not even be able to tell the difference. Take it from club leader Aditi Padwahardan who said, “[MUN] has been such an important part of my high school experience at Fieldston. My first college conference freshman year was such a great bonding experience and gave me an opportunity to make friends outside of my grade. Travel conferences are personally my favorite part of MUN because of the friendships I’ve made and the experiences we’ve had.” Though some peers expected our three and a half days away from campus to be dreary, the truth is each second of our trip was immersed in determination and glee. When our time was not spent solving world issues, it was dedicated to diligently exploring the city of Philadelphia, gallivanting through Reading Market, enjoying daily CVS runs, taking on the ever so daunting Delfest and Delegate Dance, forming unlikely friendship duos and bonding as a club. To this day, we continually reminisce over our ILMUNC days.

At this point you may be thinking, “All this talk and nothing to show?” Overruled! Nathan Rozoff, our very own Fieldston Form IV student, brought home the outstanding delegate award. When asked about the achievement, Nathan shared “I went in just hoping to have fun, but an award is pretty nice.” We can confidently claim Nathan’s spirit is mirrored among all Fieldston delegates in attendance at ILMUNC because even though not everyone came home with an award, we did gain an opportunity to step back and be intellectuals just for the fun of it. Actively absorbed by the chaos and excitement of Model UN, the conference allowed us to take a break from life as an eagle in the Fieldston sense of the term, and learn what it means to be not only a Philadelphia Eagle, but a UN diplomat. From socializing with students from as far as New Zealand to giving speeches that ended in eruption of applause, ILMUNC was truly an eclectic, one of a kind experience to hone diplomatic skills and see the world through a UN representative’s eyes.

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