
Jala Atkinson – Graduation Speech

3 mins read

Five years ago if you asked me to give this graduation speech I don’t think I would be able to, but now here I am on stage, able to stand in front of all of you and share my thoughts.

I’ve had my ups and downs with this school, and as most of you know my life has been hard on me, but my time at Fieldston these past 14 years has given me a lot of strength, and the most amazing friends, some that I know will last a lifetime. 

Being a student at Fieldston has helped me to learn so much about myself, and about what I can accomplish in the future. As a grade, we have matured together. Whether you have been here for 14 years, since Middle School, or if you came in Freshman year, we have been on a journey of exploration and growth. 

Most of you have seen me at my best times, and some have seen me at my very worst and nastiest times. I know no matter what, this grade has my back, and we all have each other’s back.

We have had first-hand experience with the unknown and survived a global pandemic. We’ve gone through remote school, hybrid learning, and PCR tests that either dried your mouth out or tickled your brain with a very large Q-tip and we’ve been through isolation.

We have experienced a pandemic that didn’t have answers or a final date and is still raging. It was hard to stay in the moment.

But, we saw nature heal itself,  and we tolerated the discomfort of the unknown, lived in the moment, spent time with our families, slowed down, and regrouped with our values.

I think one thing that we learned is not everything is guaranteed, and there is no defined destination so as we move on to our next life we have to keep that in mind. 

Lastly, today I am up here to say I wish you all the best in college, and in your future careers, because I know if we were able to get through this pandemic and high school we are able to get through life! 

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