
Spring Sports Return!

4 mins read

At the beginning of the global COVID-19 pandemic in early March of 2020, ECFS had to shut down just as spring sports season was beginning. Last year was essentially a practice only season. After two full years Fieldston is finally able to resume spring sports which includes Lacrosse, Track & Field, Golf, Ultimate Frisbee, Baseball, and Softball. For Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors, it will be their first full spring sports season, making it a particularly exciting season with lots to look forward to. 

I had the opportunity to interview students Marina Tassan-Solet (III) (Track & Field), Eliza Stulman (V) (Softball), and Cat Hou (VI) (Softball) via email about their opinions and thoughts about the upcoming season.

Rachel Shames: What are you looking forward to the most about the spring season?

Cat Hou: “I am looking forward to making memories with my team on and off the field. I’ve missed the whole atmosphere of being on a team. The dress ups, the pregame cheers, the practice jokes, they were all taken away by Covid so it’ll be really really nice to be back this year.”

Marina Tassan-Solet: “I’m mostly looking forward to spending more time with my peers/coaches this spring season.”

RS: How has COVID affected the sport and how do you think it will be now that the sports will be outdoors and start to get warmer out?

Eliza Stulman: “Indoor sports had to adapt this year with mask mandates and basketball had a third referee at games in an attempt to enforce the mandates but because softball is outside and state-wide mandates have dropped, the game will be played as normal (pre-pandemic).”

CH: “COVID really took all the best things about sports away. It sadly took away our spring conditioning trip… and it took away real games.”

RS: How do your spring sports differ from the other sports from past seasons?

CH: “I think we will fully appreciate what we missed out on now that we know the alternative and try to make it the best season yet.”

MTS: “I feel like one of the most distinct aspects of [track] is that we finally get some more company of other spring sports during practice- since other sports like lacrosse are practicing on the field.”

RS: How are you feeling overall about your sport?

CH: “I think there is a lot of expectation surrounding this upcoming season now that we are back and as eager as I am to fulfill them, I don’t want people to be disappointed either. I hope that we all have fun and that it is a season to remember.”

ES: “I am excited! But also curious about our opponents’ players considering spring sports were the only sport that lost 2 full seasons due to the pandemic.”

Overall, it is apparent that students are eager to be back playing the sports they love in a more normal setting. And we are definitely ready to see some exciting games these upcoming months!

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