Monthly Column: Reading with Sophia T. – The Fieldston News

Monthly Column: Reading with Sophia T.

2 mins read

by Sophia Thompson

Dystopian Novels (The Hunger Games)

Welcome to Reading with Sophia. At the start of the year, I thought of this column when I was brainstorming articles for the Fieldstonian. Often, I need a new good book and want a recommendation from someone; a friend, a classmate, a teacher. Come back each month for a new and intriguing book to read.

The middle school has many voracious readers, who are reading new and interesting books. Out of the 52 middle schoolers who filled out our survey, a majority of you read fiction and had many different books that they recommended. One of the top fiction books was the Hunger Games, a dystopian series about Katniss Everdeen, who competes in the annual hunger games. Each year a girl and a boy, aged 12-18, from each of the districts surrounding the capital, compete in it. You have to kill others to survive and become the winner of that year’s hunger games. The book starts on the day of the choosing, and Katniss Everdeen steps forward to take her sister’s place in the hunger games.

If you liked Divergent or The Maze Runner Series, then you might like this book. Both of those book series is dystopian, bringing their readers into another world, just like the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games was the most recommended book series, which made it the first to be recommended in this column. Remember to come back next month for a new book recommendation and email me at if you have any recommendations.

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