
“The earth we must mend” by Evie Flynn ’27

1 min read

This is a poem to celebrate the earth
For it causes us great mirth

Even though
We chop it down

Even though
We colonized all of its land we found

This is a poem to celebrate the earth

Our home of rambling meadows, effervescently sprawling mountain ranges

Wake up, all you sleeping guardians

To the despair of the limping bear, her child lifeless in the embers of a forest fire
She herself standing on a bier

To the distress of the nomad frogs, their hope a flat tire
Their pond
Reduced to mire

To the pain of oceans begging to be relieved
Of being polluted in

Yet there is hope
This I will not sugarcoat

But unplug you Alexas, open your eyes
And there it lies

Marvel at the skies
Behold the smallest fly

And the next day, please
tell your friend
Here is the Earth we must mend

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