
Local Support for the Blackfeet

3 mins read

A GoFundMe Campaign has been organized by Form III student, Emma Friedman. The goal of the campaign is to raise money and awareness for the current situation reservations across the country are dealing with during the COVID crisis. Reservations across the nation have few necessities to survive the COVID crisis and no government officials fighting for them. This makes it an emergency that the reservations receive the necessary help. Although there are over 300 reservations across the country the campaign is working towards COVID relief for the northern Montana based Blackfeet tribe. Emma had gotten to know the community very well, as she had lived and worked on the reservation during the summer of 2019. Emma’s contact, Kim Paul, leads the Piikani Lodge Health Institute, a non-profit organization that is the backbone of the community by taking care of all members in any way they can. For example, they provide meals for the Elders of the community. Kim Paul, wrote a beautiful message to those who have donated saying, “I am lighting a smudge to pray for those beautiful hearts and efforts, what generous spirits.” 

During this time of crisis, not only are supplies necessary but awareness of the massive historic neglect of first nation people in this country. This neglect did not begin during this pandemic it has been continuous for hundreds of years and will continue without awareness of this treatment. 

The money raised by the campaign will go towards buying meals, disinfectants, gloves, sanitizers and masks. So far 1,100 dollars has been raised from 28 donors as well as 200 masks and 100 pairs of gloves have been sent to the community. The goal is to raise as much awareness and money as possible. Unfortunately the situation is dire and this is nowhere near enough so any donations are greatly appreciated by both the Blackfeet tribe and Emma Friedman. No amount is too small or too large. At a time where many feel helpless this is a meaningful way to support others. 

If you are able to donate to help the Blackfeet survive this crisis or want to learn more tap below. 

COVID Support for Blackfeet Campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-blackfeet

Piikani Lodge Health Institute: https://www.piikanilodge.org/

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for making us aware of a group of very special people.
    Their needs are made know because of your loving caring deeds.
    May this effort continue to be successful and bring much needed help to our new friends the Blackfeet

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