ECFS Launches New Financial Aid Initiative in Response to Pandemic – The Fieldston News

ECFS Launches New Financial Aid Initiative in Response to Pandemic

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Because ECFS is an intentional, mission-centered community — one we all chose and that chose us for our shared values — we believe conscience calls us to respond to a range of concerns and needs.

Email correspondence from Head of School Jessica Bagby and the ECFS Board of Trustees

Monday March 30th – Head of School Jessica Bagby in conjunction with the board of trustees sent a community-wide email today, outlining a new initiative to support students and families who have been severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. The virus has taken a significant toll on New York City in recent days and weeks, harming both the city’s population and its economy. “The Orange United Fund is meant to help families whose circumstances have changed in recent weeks and may remain tenuous as we all live in some uncertainty about the days and months ahead,” the letter read. The correspondence specifically notes that the fund will give aid to families who need “tuition relief for the 2020-2021 school year or other support now to help bridge the gap associated with school costs, technology support and food insecurity.” The email included donation information for the fund, and asked that community-members make contributions in order to “help every ECFS student continue to have access to the transformative educational experience [Fieldston] offers.”

The correspondence also included positive reinforcement for the enormous efforts being made by both faculty and students to stay connected and continue to learn and grow under such extreme circumstances. “We are inspired by the ways members of our community are staying connected during these challenging and isolating times, shining a light on our strength,” the letter read. Additionally, today was the first day of remote learning following spring break making the message particularly timely on the part of school leadership. The email closed with a statement of appreciation for the goodness of the Fieldston community and thanks for any and all continued support of ECFS, financial and otherwise. “We deeply appreciate our community’s generosity throughout the school year and thank you for joining in this particular endeavor to support all of our students, both today and tomorrow, given the extraordinary circumstances,” read the closing statement. Families who have been impacted economically by Covid-19 and wish to request grant can do so confidentially through an email account set up for the nascent Orange United Fund.

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