2017-2018 FSG Preview

5 mins read

With the start of the 2017-2018 school year, Fieldston is going through numerous changes. A new wave of students have joined the upper school (welcome class of 2021!), the cafeteria has new food and an aesthetic makeover, the library has been rendered a construction site, and the student government is run by two new people—Dachelle Washington and Ben Ginsburg.  

The transition from regular student to one representing the entire student body has been challenging for the duo, but both Ben and Dachelle are excited for the challenges this year will bring.  

“I’m really excited to put our ideas into action. Ben and I have a lot of ideas, and to finally be able to work with our cabinet, other students, and faculty members to see those ideas come to life is going to be really great,” said Dachelle. “This is exciting because we will be collaborating with our peers to improve the Fieldston experience,” added Ben.

The first line of business for the pair is to pick their cabinet members and to have each member working effectively to improve their specific part of the school. “It’s going to be a challenge appointing the cabinet. There are so many capable and eager applicants that deciding might be harder than I first perceived,” said Dachelle, “however, I’m very positive we will create a great cabinet.” With or without a place on the cabinet, Ben and Dachelle are eager to be approached by every student regarding any concern they may have.

Once the cabinet is decided, the two Co-Presidents plan on focusing on four main objectives: exhibiting student work more prominently throughout the school, forming a roundtable committee, and planning a second clubs fair. The two seniors view roundtables as a vital part of the Fieldston ecosystem, but believe that a roundtable committee must be formed to facilitate more frequent and efficient discussions. The goal of a second clubs fair would be to showcase the work of the student body—a theme that is clear throughout the pair’s agenda.

Additionally, Dachelle and Ben hope to be as transparent as possible throughout their presidency.  One way they hope to do this is by creating an FSG website. “The student government website will keep the student body updated with the latest initiatives of FSG. It will not only be useful towards keeping the student body in the loop, but also will serve as a useful archive that future generations of FSG can continue to build upon,” said the pair.

Neither presidents can wait to get started carrying out their agenda, but are keenly aware of the challenges facing them this year. Ben said, “the level of responsibility that comes with thoughtfully representing the entire student body because it is important to make sure everyone has a voice – including people who are less vocal,” makes him anxious. In addition, the pair acknowledges the challenge of not having the library for the whole academic year. “This is a unique situation and we will have to ensure student needs are being met by providing alternative studying spaces. We will work alongside the librarians, secretary of public spaces, and facilities to ensure student needs are being met. Additionally, listening to student feedback throughout the process is going to be extremely important.”

Many previous co-presidential pairs have outlined objectives in the beginning of the year that they have failed to carry out by the end of the year. The current presidents understand this and want to be held accountable. “The student body should expect us and our administration to be open, accessible, and hands on. We are committed to serving the student body and making Fieldston a place that celebrates all the great things about the community.”   

While focusing on the more comedic sides of their campaign in the speech last spring (Ben’s “bad boy” aesthetic and Dachelle’s singing prowess), the pair seems prepared and excited for the school year ahead. The student body is hoping for the success of their new representatives as their triumphs are Fieldston’s accomplishments as well.

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