Middle Schoolers Continue the Fight for Civil Rights

1 min read


by Kiah G., 8th grader

Everyone has the right to live. There is no logical, feasible, nor ethical reason for our African-American citizens to be brutally murdered. The recent protest in the middle school connected to me personally because I believe everyone has the right to live.

Everyone should have an equal opportunity in life–not black less than white, female less than male, or gay less than straight. Honestly, what is wrong with our society is we need to let these labels and stereotypes go.

During the protest, our Fieldston community came together to fight against something we believed in. Despite the potential consequences or the freezing weather, we marched. Every step we took, we all took together. We marched in order to fight for something

I know many of us believed in. However, none of this could have been possible without the original organizers of the protest. We should give special thanks to the few 8th graders who came up with an idea and were courageous enough to see that idea grow into something extraordinary.

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