About the Fieldston Middle School News

1 min read


IMG_3471 Fieldston News has been around since 1928, and now, in 2014, Fieldston News has incorporated a new section, Fieldston Middle School News. With the focus on life both inside and outside the middle school, the newspaper publishes all different kinds of students’ work, from fiction and nonfiction writing to op-eds, photos and videos. We hope you find these articles thoughtful and evocative to read. And maybe even a little fun, too.

Fieldston Middle School News’ advisor is Ms. Pasquantonio with lots of great help from Daniel Kessler! Special thanks to Jacob Cader and Mr. Montera in the Upper School as well. Though we are a small group, we are a spirited bunch who recognize the importance of having our voices heard. We welcome submissions from all middle school students. With new talent popping up everywhere, this section is bound to hit success!

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