Poetry: “Thanksgiving at My Aunt’s House”

1 min read

Ring the Door
Open … Surprise
“Come in, it’s alright”
Greet Everyone
Great big smile
Hugs and Kisses
Laughter and good times
“Come sit down
I’ll get you some food
If you don’t like it then pretend you like it”
Food out of oven
Food in plate
Food in my belly
Empty food plate
Talk about politics
Talk about baseball games
Talk about life
Say that the food is great
Say you’re full
Sit and be bored
Finally time to go
In the car

I wrote this poem because we are in the midst of the holiday season, and I wanted to write something that we can all relate to. Maybe my poem is similar to your experiences at a relative’s house or maybe it’s different. I wanted to share my experience.


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